exactly seven days from this day, it's already vacation!! Now I have to suffer at home doing all my requirements. I just hope I pass.
Friday, March 13, 2009 Friday, March 13, 2009
Jerry On My Tummy

My baby JERRY on my tummy. (Argh! I rhyme too much this day) On my 150th blog post, I've decided to reward 50 prepaid load (globe and smart) to the first two commentators. since this blog doesnt get too much visitors, i guess blogger won't have an idea when the 150th photo comes in. Heh-heh. XD
Btw, this is the 121st blogpost. XD Remember? This was my RandomPinay blog. lol.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Meet Jerry

I named my iPod! His name is Jerry. Lol. My Dad gave him to me. Yaay! I name all my gadgets, like my laptop (Ace). My cellphone's name is Kim. Kim Samsung. Haha. Dang it! I'm so cheesy. Haha. :3 I failed to update this blog 2 days ago. :(
Sunday, March 8, 2009 Sunday, March 08, 2009

Earlier, I thought of going to Pizza Hut for lunch. I completely forgot that Granny and Uncle were at home and they cooked a meal for me. Bahaha. And so I went alone. :3 And I enjoyed my solitude. Heehee. Then after I ate I bought a book from Booksale, and then I headed home. To my surprise, my Mum, Dad and sisters were already back from Abu Dhabi! And I thought they weren't gonna be here til midnight. Hahaha. I didn't know they were already here yesterday. Mum and Dad love playing games like that. They're full of surprises. :3 They definitely got me!
Friday, March 6, 2009 Friday, March 06, 2009
From Baguio With Love

I made a letter for my Korean friend, Ahreum. I'll send her 4 sets of Pucca stickers, a strawberry keychain, and a wooden strawberry pencil with her name on. :3 I thought of giving her these when I went to Baguio two weeks ago.
Thursday, March 5, 2009 Thursday, March 05, 2009