I reached the room. Everyone was silent. I sat down, got my paper, and scribbled my answers on my stupid blue book that I bought from the sari-sari store. It was very quiet...
...until my cellphone rang! XD
"We just got a letter, We just got a letter
We just got a letter...wonder who it's from!"
I was all, Akin ba 'yun? in my mind. I just pretended that I didn't hear it. Deep inside, I was ROFLMAO. Hahaha! On my last post, I wrote about how I became Dora The Explorer and then now I'm talking about Blue's Clues!
Then the ringing stopped. Stupid texter. Pahamak. Good thing my professor didn't hear it...or did she?
Then after a few minutes my cellphone started ringing again. Steven Burns started singing again. Aargh. I was gonna go crazy. I saw everyone looking around. Maybe they were trying to find whose cellphone was ringing. Well, IT WAS MINE!
I started making noises so they wouldn't know it was mine. I started scratching my slippers on the floor. Well, my slippers were wet, so it would make noisier sounds than ever. Scratch, scratch. I was so pathetic. The ringing stopped. Whew.
Maybe three seconds later, someone's phone started to ring, too. Haha! Not only that, his alert tone was this tone from Mojacko when he would get wet and go flat. The wengk-wengk sound. Haha..
No, no. The best part was when the cellphone of the guy in front of me also rang! That was awesome. His alert tone was..
Then the ringing stopped. Stupid texter. Pahamak. Good thing my professor didn't hear it...or did she?
Then after a few minutes my cellphone started ringing again. Steven Burns started singing again. Aargh. I was gonna go crazy. I saw everyone looking around. Maybe they were trying to find whose cellphone was ringing. Well, IT WAS MINE!
I started making noises so they wouldn't know it was mine. I started scratching my slippers on the floor. Well, my slippers were wet, so it would make noisier sounds than ever. Scratch, scratch. I was so pathetic. The ringing stopped. Whew.
Maybe three seconds later, someone's phone started to ring, too. Haha! Not only that, his alert tone was this tone from Mojacko when he would get wet and go flat. The wengk-wengk sound. Haha..
No, no. The best part was when the cellphone of the guy in front of me also rang! That was awesome. His alert tone was..
LOL!!! Everybody knew it was his. Hahaha.. Well, at least they didn't know that mine rang first. Hehe... Yehey!
And oh yea, I got tagged again. :) Yay! Thanks for loving me, Dale! :)

I am tagging Patricia, Katie (ulit), Merie, Zee, Kryk, Siyems, and Chinx (again). You have been loved! :)RULES
* Link to the person who ” LOVE ” you
* Post the rules on your blog (Yea. This list.)
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person know they have been “LOVED” and leave a comment on their blog.
I'mma go bloghop now. Yay! :)
she's a sweet person. she deserves it. :)
Monday, October 13, 2008 Monday, October 13, 2008