i mean..just look at them. the guys from hanakimi jp are more handsome than..eehem...the other one. aside from the looks, the japanese version is way cooler. the relationship between the dormitories isnt seriously 'hating' each other. somehow hanakimi jp managed to show the viewers that these dorms dont really loathe each other, but thats just how they treat each other. they challenge each other but still they look cool losing. OR winning. also, hanakimi jp makes it a lot more adorable. they look like they're just playing 'round and having fun with each other. thats what makes audience cry in the end.
they say "aww.. they were so happy.." hahaha.
i admit that i havent finished watching the hanakimi version of taiwan yet. but i hate their leading lady. she's very overacting. haha.. and the nosebleeds nakatsu in the taiwanese version is so yucky. toma ikuta (jp vrsion) still looks cute when he does the nosebleed. hehe. and isnt the highschool for 'handsome' guys? is it the same for the taiwanese version? if it is, then why arent..they..handsome......?..
also, i enjoyed watching the hanakimi japan more. yay!
just look at them!!!!!
toma ikuta as Nakatsu Shuichi <3

Mizushima Hiro as Nanba Minami (nanba senpai)
Shun Oguri as Sano Izumi (he's not so cute)

Yamamoto Yusuke as Kayashima (cute sha!)

Okada Masaki as Sekime (cute din)

at first i didnt know why the school principal always said "let the flowers bloom" or something like that about blooming flowers and plants. then i searched for pictures of hanakimi japan..i saw the english translation of the title. FOR YOU IN FULL BLOOM. how sweet. :)))))))))))))))) tnx to viewimages for oguri's photo. yay!
Saturday, April 19, 2008 Saturday, April 19, 2008