anyway.. the first thing i did this morning was to clean the house. can you believe it? haha..after that i went on to wash myself up. later i will be at the salon to get my toenails done. i sound too girly? it goes again:
later im gonna go to the freakin salon and paint my toenails black, red, and white.
how does it sound? :) but those arent the colors that im gonna pick. ill probably blog about it after i return home.
okay. look at this image. i just dyed my hair red!!!

i havent put that photo in friendster yet. i think friendster is having problems. i hate it when it does that.
thanks guys for your comments. i appreciate them! ill always try to comment back. :))) by the way, can u guys please add me up in friendster too? hehe.. click hereplease! thank you guys! God bless!♥♥
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Wednesday, April 23, 2008