anyway, about my sisters, they are currently living in the middle east- particularly in Abu Dhabi, with my parents. my brother and i are rotting here in the beautiful, beautiful republic of the philippines. i don't mean beautiful negatively, okay? :] bwahahaha.. ehem. ignore the evil laugh.
Clarisse, the one in highschool, has her own blog, too. you can exchange links with her (and I designed her blog. yay for her. haha..kidding!) Just visit she's on my links. they say we sound alike. yeah, we both sing. i dunno. we dont look like twins because im very much prettier than her (HAHA! I'M NEVER TAKING THAT BACK!). Well, okay. I am prettier, but she's much sexier. hahaha. :]
*to clarisse* well if you're reading this, you're going to get fat very soon... :P
my other sister, Denisse or Ninis as we fondly call her, is the cutest kid in the world. hahaha..bias noh?:] but no really, thats what i think. this is my blog. haha.. when i say she's the cutest then she's the cutest! feel free to object. :] go democracy! hahahah...
anyway, i'm digressing again *sigh*. okay.. my sister ninis graduated preschool, or nursery, as the top 1! :] what a bright kid. :] she also loves dancing, singing, posing for the camera, and watching TV. yes, she watches too much TV. she also loves using the internet. she loves playing games on nick jr and playhouse disney. if you stop her from playing games on the internet, she'll cry really loud, so let her use it. another thing about her is that she never liked eating her meals. she likes sweets, but she doesnt like eating meals. be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. GAH, if i were her i would have eaten everything served in front of me. haha..:] she's a sweet kid, too. if you give her something, she'll appreciate it by thanking you and sharing candies with you. she also likes hugging and kissing people. best of all, she loves saying how much she loves a person. she can lead a prayer, too! :]
here are pictures of her:

see how cute she is? haha. :] and here are two pictures of my sister Clarisse with me:

and this one is...

OOPS! wrong picture!
Saturday, August 2, 2008 Saturday, August 02, 2008