and oh yeah..remember my post entitled STRIKE FOUR? the guy i was talking about texted me again. he said that he saw me this morning. good thing he didnt attempt to court me again..or else ill end up breaking his heart for the 5th time. if he had a heart. kidding. hehe..i mean IF he's serious with me.
WHY? cause there's something odd about this issue. each time i dump him, he doesnt show anything that makes him look hurt. that's why i dont sort of believe him. hehe..
i was thinking about his persistence that i came to the point of thinking about the things that i want suitors to give me. haha.. im not a goldigger or whatever.

i really love flowers, particularly daisies. just seeing a bouquet of daisies makes my day.

i also love chocolates!! but id rather ask for flowers than ask for chocolates. i have a sweet tooth. i might get diabetes. hehe.. but i really love chocolates more than flowers. BUT id rather ask for flowers. hehe.. crazy? o yea.

in case you ask, i dont have a suitor. and im not looking for one. im happy now, so dont disturb. hehe.. well.. i dunno, God's the author of my lovestory, not me!
i dont have anything more to say!
Labels: daily updates, random thoughts
Sunday, May 25, 2008 Sunday, May 25, 2008