i bought 3 pairs of cargo pants, 2 shirts, fila rubbershoes, and a pair of high ipanema flipflops. oohh..:] thank you LORD! :] you see, God really does provide us with everything we need.

only 2 more weeks and im going to my first day of college classes! im studying at the University of the Philippines, Los Banos (UPLB). im taking up BA Communication Arts. another blessing from the Lord.

you know, i really miss hanakimi japan. im planning to watch it again. yay! DVD marathon!

i'm not a girl! i'm a soccer mom! --timmy's mom
that was from the fairly odd parents episode title: crimson chin meets mighty mom and dyno dad. hehe..im very very happy when im watching this cartoon show. hehehe...
Cosmo: There's different kinds of "we". All of us, You and me, You and Wanda, and my favorite, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
HAHAHA! that's my favorite. hehe..i really love cosmo.

*oh yeah, almost forgot: watch this first.
i really feel random all the time. one time id think about the ice cream haagen dazs because i want to taste it, then id think about kim chiu's version of my girl (which i really hate), then id think about cosmo (then spongebob), then id think about kiko machine 4 (and where to find it), and so on....
i made another picture and i hate it because it doesnt work as a wallpaper for blogger. i dont know why. im getting frustrated, but im loving doing this kind of stuff:

im not satisfied, actually. hehe..

i want to hear cosmo's voice over and over again! (i hate it when id ont stick to the point. err--forgive me)

hehehe..i want to laugh all day long. :]

see ya!
Labels: daily updates, random thoughts
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 Tuesday, May 27, 2008