Because what I felt was, I go somewhere else far from where I really live, then when you go there, nobody notices you're going somewhere. Because I'm usually not with them. They dont notice that youre far because even when I was near, I was far. That's how it feels like.
And when I'm in Laguna, there's no sense of belongingness. All I do is sit around, take pictures of myself, listen to some mp3, read a book, eat. I get bored. I do the same stuff all over again. I get bored again. I do the same stuff again. It's like a short version of the life cycle.
so i really needed a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend today. :D
wanna see a picture of us?

Well, in case you havent noticed (HAHA!), that's the uber handsome Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance. Haha..the picture is obviously edited. He is so white and I am so brown.
That's how easy it is to snag a boyfriend. Install Adobe Photoshop, Download pictures, and get creative. LOL.
now will ya share a picture with your 'boyfriend'.? ;)
hey, please dont take this post seriously. I'm in no need of a boyfriend. :) Anyway, yeah. Last sunday was our Youth Sunday. Here are some pictures:

I made that photo on the TV! Haha!

We were so excited :)

Me and katie, explaining the Mission/Vision statement
not much photos. :) but it was a lot of fuuun! I'll post our video here if Jamer would approve of it (he doesnt like seeing his face on the net!). Hihi.. God bless!
P.S. That girl in white in the front row is one of the new kids on our youth group. i kinda feel awkward seeing her with that 'Rock on' hand. it's kinda improper. Hehe. Oh well!
Labels: fangirl moments, lovelife
Friday, November 7, 2008 Friday, November 07, 2008